Bring everyone together with data | Hex : Hex Magic is a highly advanced tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help humans unleash the full potential of data. With a cutting-edge platform specifically designed for data science and analytics, this tool offers a variety of user-friendly tools such as a query editor, visually appealing charts and maps, and well-formatted tables. It utilizes a compute model based on Directed Acyclic Graphs and seamlessly integrates with popular data storage options like warehouses, lakehouses, and databases. Plus, it comes packed with convenient features like built-in version control, customizable permissions, timely notifications, and an extensive library of resources. Whether you choose to use the Cloud or Private version, Hex Magic is ready to take your data analysis to the next level.
Hex Use Cases – Ai Tools
From quick queries, to deep-dive analyses, to beautiful interactive data apps – all in one collaborative, AI-powered workspace.
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